Last year, on February 7th, a little book called I Am Earth’s Keeper was born. Typically, launch day is a special time for an author. There might be interviews, promotional efforts, or even a little book signing. But none of that happened on this date last year because I was in the midst of diagnostic testing for what turned out to be my diagnosis with Stage 3 breast cancer. When I look back at this date last year on my calendar, I only see the words “MRI Results?” noted.

Of the picture books I’ve penned, I Am Earth’s Keeper is perhaps dearest to my heart. The book was inspired by my good friend David and dedicated to him and my brother-in-law David. It addresses a topic that is so important to me: caring for our world. It was my first attempt at rhyming. The illustrations by Giuliano Ferri enchant me. And yet, this little book baby has been sadly neglected because so much of my focus this past year has been on my treatment and healing.
Last week, I Am Earth’s Keeper was named one of the top twenty “Best Spiritual Books for 2023” for children by Spirituality & Practice. The reviewers called the book “A poetic journey through glorious vistas that remind us to connect with and care for creation.” This made me smile… not because of the honor of being named among other such beautiful works, but because those brief words help me see that the reviewers “get” what I was hoping to do with this book.
Today, I’m asking you for a favor: will you please help me celebrate I Am Earth’s Keeper? Here are a few ways you can help:
- Buy the book! You can find it at Paraclete Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and even on Audible.
- Review the book 🙂 Leaving an honest review or a star rating (especially at Amazon) truly helps the author.
- Share the book. If you don’t need a children’s book yourself, perhaps you can donate it to a school, an organization in your community, or your local library.
- Tell a friend. If you’ve read this book and would recommend it to others, today would be a great day to go on social media and give the book a shout out. You can tag me at @LisaHendey on Facebook, Instagram, and X.
To say that I hate asking for this help is a big understatement. Increasingly, self promotion challenges me horrifically. But I believe in the mission of I Am Earth’s Keeper and I want to see it in more hands and hearts. If you can help today (or whenever it works for you!), I would be very grateful.
Thank you, as always, for your kindness and support. And thank you for walking this journey with me!
If you’ve read the book or have a question about it, please leave a comment below. Thanks!
My three grandchildren are 10, 13, and 15. I think I will buy it, though, and have them read it if they’d like to. Then, I will donate it to my parish’s child daycare center. Thank you, Lisa! It looks great and the artistry is fantastic as well! +JMJ+
Gwen, thank you for your support of this book. I hope it blesses your family and your parish community.