God has a special mission for each of us! With engaging prose and delightful illustrations, I’m a Saint in the Making reminds children of their unique call from God to live with mission and love. By recounting the highlights of the stories of both well-known and newer saints (including John Paul II, Mary MacKillop, Augustus Tolton, Teresa of Calcutta, Juan Diego, and Chiara Badano) in relatable lessons, the book helps readers learn that there is no one single way to live a life of sanctity. I’m a Saint in the Making offers simple but impactful suggestions for ways children can offer acts of prayer, service, and love. Resources for parents, teachers, and caregivers at the end of the book provide support for adults as they seek to encourage and accompany their young saints in the making.
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“The illustrations alone in this book are fantastic, whimsical, and curiously beautiful. Lisa’s words bring them to life as she encourages our young children to see themselves as saints—in small and big ways. Her stories about the saints, the real-life examples, and her encouragement to be in the saint making business make up the kind of book I want my children reading. And what a poignant reminder that as a mother I’m in the saint making business, too!” —Kathryn Whitaker, author of Live Big, Love Bigger
“What a beautiful book! And the perfect gift for young people, who long for, and need, good role models. The stories of the saints are always fascinating to kids and Lisa Hendey’s new book will invite them not only to discover these stories but discover sanctity in their own lives. And, not incidentally, the illustrations are jaw-droppingly good!” —James Martin, SJ, author of “Jesus: A Pilgrimage” and “My Life with the Saints.”
“In a most delightful and pleasing way, Lisa depicts the excitement of what it means to be a saint and how we are all on that journey toward a familial relationship with God and his saints, the heavenly superheroes. Children with their parents discover the saints as reliable companions, ordinary people whose lives look much like our own, but whose love for God gave them the impetus to do extraordinary things. This strikingly illustrated book will certainly be an essential catechetical tool to teach how faith, shown in virtuous living, transforms our everyday existence.” —Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP – Director, Pauline Center for Media Studies, Los Angeles, CA
“Lisa Hendey’s I’m a Saint in the Making is a wonderful catechism that will help young and old alike strive for sainthood. Children will learn what a saint is, get introduced to a variety of saints old and new, and learn how they, too, can be a saint. Katie Mitchell Broussard’s active illustrations make it easy for the young to relate. This book will help readers to grow in virtue.” —Tim Drake, author of The Attic Saint
“THIS! This is the way we should be talking with our kids about vocation. Vocation is not something unusual reserved for an elite. It’s for each and every one of us. God has a plan for every life, and all those plans are vitally important to the Church. Vocation talk is failing today because it misses the point that is front and center in Lisa Hendey’s book. May this book reach many homes and many hearts.” —Mike Aquilina, author, Love in the Little Things: Tales of Family Life
“Lisa Hendey has done it again! She has written a wonderful book that introduces children to the most important subject in the world—becoming a saint. Her latest effort shows kids why everyone is called to be a saint. More importantly, it inspires them to actually desire sanctity by connecting them in a fun way to the heroic legacy of past saints. Finally, this new book gives children some very practical ways they can serve those around them who are in need. Thus, it has the power to truly transform the world—by helping transform the children of the world into the future heroes of the Church.” —Anthony DeStefano, Bestselling author of Christian books for adults and children
“A heart-felt THANKS to Lisa Hendey for this precious little book of wisdom! Be holy—and happy—by becoming the person God made you to be. Share this book with your kids and you’ll help light the way for the whole family.” —Father James Phalan, CSC, National Director of the Family Rosary
“I’m a Saint in the Making is a lovely book that makes the universal call to holiness come alive for today’s kids. With concrete, kid-friendly examples, colorful illustrations, and a great mix of saints old and new, Lisa Hendey and Katie Mitchell Broussard remind us that holy people come in many shapes and sizes, and we’re all called to join their ranks.” —Colleen Carroll Campbell, author of The Heart of Perfection, My Sisters the Saints, and The New Faithful
“In her latest children’s book, I’m a Saint In the Making, author Lisa Hendey strikes a beautiful balance between storytelling and apologetics. Starting with the well appointed title and accompanied by the sweet illustrations of artist Katie Mitchell Broussard, Hendey walks young readers through what it means to be a saint. Using the corporal works of mercy as the backdrop, she challenges the reader to be a prayer champion and a role model, explaining in depth what each those jobs looks like. Incorporating several stories of what famous saints were like in their childhood, Hendey crafts a landscape of language that keeps the idea of sainthood within the grasp of young reader all while still educating and entertaining those who are simply young at heart. I’m a Saint in the Making will encourage and inspire the young ones in your life that sainthood is possible for anyone.” —Mary Lenaburg, author Be Brave in the Scared
“This book changes lives, young and old. With stunning simplicity, engaging stories, and beautiful illustrations, I’m a Saint in the Making draws children and adults into the realization that every day, with every act, no matter how small, we can grow in holiness. This book doesn’t leave you guessing what you want to be when you grow up; you know you want to follow in the footsteps of ordinary people who did extraordinary things by being who God called them to be. The perfect book for every ‘little’ saint in the making, no matter if they are three years old, or a hundred and three!” —Kelly Wahlquist, founder of WINE: Women In the New Evangelization, author of Created to Relate: God’s Design for Peace and Joy and editor of Walk In Her Sandals: Experiencing Christ’s Passion through the Eyes of Women and Gaze Upon Jesus: Experiencing Christ Childhood through the Eyes of Women