Today, I continue my ongoing series of conversations with awesome storytellers creating fantastic projects as I’m joined by Nicole Abisinio, the creative force behind the Pureflix project The Advocate. Nicole shares about the show, working in the film industry, and her own mother. I think you’ll appreciate her insights and dedication to a truly important mission. Enjoy! LMH

Q: Nicole, congratulations on the launch of The Advocate on Pureflix. Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Hello, faithful remnant. I was a film producer from NYC and Hollywood, but in 2009-10 I had a massive conversion on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. I realized that the world had lied to me and everything they said I needed to be happy and whole was actually the opposite. At the height of my career, I had never felt more unhappy or more empty. God showed me that it was him that I was longing for and I raced out of France in my handmade gown to find a church and find Jesus. It has been the most incredible journey. Although it is a difficult one, it is a beautiful one as God has fulfilled his promises giving me peace, wholeness, love, inner joy, everything I always dreamed of that the world could never give me.
God then took me out of my film companies to start new companies dedicated to His work only. I only do work now that glorifies God. I’ve had the opportunity to work on some amazing faith films including producing The Investigator, and marketing for I Can Only Imagine and Hacksaw Ridge, but my newest project is my absolute favorite yet!
Overall, though my goal on any film or tv show is to change even one life or save one soul, just one lost sheep of the 99. Through that, God has exponentially blessed that into reaching millions.

Q: Please tell us about your newest project, The Advocate.
The Advocate is our new hit TV drama series, inspired by true events. The show is about a child protective agent who falls off a bridge trying to save one of her teens and comes out of the water with Holy Spirit gifts of visions, dreams, and discernment of spirits. She then teams up with a Human Trafficking detective now that her gifts get her ahead of the bad guys.
The Advocate is a family-friendly show to entertain, edify, educate, and inspire. Each episode has safety tips to protect from being vulnerable-against predators, traffickers, and abusers.
It was released at Christmas time as a Pureflix Exclusive and has been trending among the top 10 most-watched content ever since! I like to call Pureflix the clean Netflix because they are similar streaming platforms, but Pureflix only has films/shows that honor God.
Q: This is really more than just a television show. Please share about why this project is so important and this point in time.
Human trafficking is now in all 50 states. It’s a billion-dollar industry. It is in our backyard…and it is in our homes now, because predators are very often grooming now through the internet, social media, chat rooms, and even video games.
We wanted to empower families and give them easy and simple ways that aren’t scary or overwhelming, and that can be implemented into their daily lives. Each episode has important safety tips, through the stories, all inspired by true events.
We are seeing girls as young as 8 enthralled with the show and learning to protect themselves and others. We have heard from moms who have said their teen or YA daughter is now listening and taking precautions after watching the show. Watching this show can save a life, help a child, a friend, a neighbor, and your own family. We have heard from singles and couples, saying not only do they love the show and can’t wait for Season 2 but that they learned invaluable information for themselves.
Q: How can the film industry tell stories like this one in ways that connect deeply with viewers?
I think the most important thing is understanding that our gifts are from God and to be used by God, as opposed to being used for ourselves, the world, or the Enemy.
I also think it’s important to understand the power of media and how powerful what we put out there is and how much of an influence it truly does have.
Finally, I love making films, inspired by true events. Truth is better than fiction. Incorporating real stories and real issues, but sharing them in ways that honor God is key. So many times, you see people putting awful things in film and saying, “Well, that’s real”. I disagree wholeheartedly with that. I believe that you can be real, while still focusing on light. I think one of the reasons this show is doing so well is because most projects of this nature show abuse, and they show trafficking. Why? It’s enough to imply and focus on solutions, on purpose, and on healing.

Q: How can people watch The Advocate?
We are so excited that we have been trending #2 on Pureflix recently and top 10 since releasing.
Pureflix is a high-quality streaming site, where you can download it on your Roku, or download the app on any device, or watch on their official website. I highly recommend watching it on your television, to see it in its full beauty. Check out The Advocate on Pureflix.
Q: Are there any additional thoughts or comments you would like to share?
Yes, in honor of Catholic Mom, I would like to dedicate this interview to my Catholic mom. The week before filming, after 100 people were slated to be on set with us for this series, I found out my mom suddenly was given 6 weeks to live. My mom and I talked about it, as I was considering shutting the whole thing down, and she said, “No, you film, you fight for the vulnerable.” She was always for protecting others and dedicated her life to it. God blessed us in return for that sacrifice and gave my mom an additional 12 weeks, a double portion blessing for doing God’s will and making this show.
I also drew a lot of my character from watching her as a detective for most of my life.

To all readers, please support us by keeping us trending-watching this series and sharing it with everyone you know. This has been a breakthrough for Catholic entertainment. Please keep it going! This helps us continue making amazing shows and seasons, with beautiful Catholic themes. It also shows the film industry that there is an audience demand for the topic of protecting children and all vulnerable in society.
Watch The Advocate on Pureflix or learn more at