Hi friends and greetings from Gulfport, Mississippi! I’m sitting in the airport, preparing to fly to Boston to attend this weekend’s Grand Opening celebration from the Museum of Prayer.
Saturday update from @LisaHendey includes news about @CatholicSeniors @FamilyRosaryOrg Museum of Prayer, @CatholicDigest, @HolyCrossUS priest and saint Ven. Patrick Peyton CSC and @AVEMariaPress @CatholicMomCom book sale. Share on XI was combing through my email inbox and realized that I have a laundry list of items to share with you. Each of these deserves a blog post of its own, but since that is not going to happen any time soon, I thought I’d just do a quick “grab bag” update. Here’s just a sampling of the latest:
- I’m happy to share that I’m now writing with CatholicSeniors.com. See what happens when you stop coloring your hair? LOL. I will be writing twice per month on two topics: Caregiving and Travel. You can find my first article “Acknowledging our ‘Yes’ As Caregivers” here. I hope to provide needed support and encouragement for families like ours who are learning to faithfully care for loved ones. If this article is helpful to you, please consider commenting or sharing the post on social media.
- Ave Maria Press is offering a wonderful special on its Catholic Moms Books series! Now through September 30, use promo code CMBOOKS for 25% off your entire order. I have every one of these books in my library (and I wrote three of them!) They make wonderful gifts for the special women in your life and are created to be a companion to every mom’s daily journey.
- I recently penned an article for Catholic Digest on the life and legacy of Venerable Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. Father Peyton, best known as the “Rosary Priest” and the man who gave us the wonderful phrase “the family that prays together stays together” has had a major role in my life the past few years and is now one of my go-to intercessors. I hope you’ll take a few moments to read about his life here and that you’ll consider a subscription to Catholic Digest.
- I’ll have a big announcement someday soon about my Chime Travelers series of books, but in advance of that, I’m asking for your prayers. One additional way to support this effort is to buy the books for your favorite young reader (find them HERE). And while you’re enjoying kid-lit, check out my latest book for children, I Am God’s Storyteller. Please consider a purchase of these books for your parish school or library. You can also find Chime Travelers on the FORMED platform here.
- I mentioned that I am en route to the Museum of Prayer. If you live or are traveling near Boston, you’ll want to make this special new place a destination for your journey. I’ll be back next week with a recap of my time at the Museum, but you can still register here for tomorrow’s grand opening celebration.
Time to board the plane! Thank you so much for your prayers for our family and your support for my work.