What an awesome week! I hope your Fourth of July celebration was all beachballs (the best) and zero jellyfish (bummers). My week zipped by, punctuated by some excitement that I hope to share with you soon. Along the way, I had a sneak peek at an awesome film coming this Fall. For that screening, I had the opportunity to visit a screening room at Universal Studios and sit next to one of the film’s actors while she saw her work in finished form for the very first time. I can’t wait to share that project with you!
Yesterday, I took an intentional day off and spent a day at the beach with a longtime friend. Very little lifts my spirits as much as dipping my toes into the surf and pondering the ocean. While there, my heart flew to the many I know who have asked for prayers this week. It’s an interesting thing about holidays that they can also lead some of us into depression. We look around social media at everyone else’s picture-perfect moments and wonder, “What’s wrong with me?” My friend/mentor/editor Jon M. Sweeney had what was, for me, the most awesome tweet of the week on Wednesday. It acknowledged the loneliness that some “kodak moments” invoke, but also challenged us to see the blessing rather than the burden:
For those feeling lonely today: There’s a Taoist scripture that says, It is the emptiness of a bowl that makes it useful.
— Jon M. Sweeney (@jonmsweeney) July 4, 2018
Let’s get to this week’s #watwlisa (and yeah, I am starting my own hashtag for this so you can tell me “what’s awesome” and needs to be shared! And if you tag something #WATWLISA @LisaHendey on Twitter or Instagram, I’ll promise to share it here as long as it’s not objectionable. New book, project or just something cool to share? Tag me and it’ll be here the following Friday!):
My Stuff:
- On the Son Rise Morning Show, Anna Mitchell and I discussed Apple’s new “Screen Time” application and how it might help those of us who spend too much time looking at our phones – find a rundown of this resource, including a recording of our conversation, at http://catholicmom.com/2018/07/02/tech-talk-apples-new-tool-for-people-who-use-their-phones-too-much/
- Catch my podcast conversation with storyteller Leslea Wahl as we discuss one of my favorite topics: why stories matter. Find the podcast and learn about Leslea’s books here: https://lisahendey.com/podcast/2018/07/05/lisa-hendey-friends-episode-18-leslea-wahl-stories-matter/
Hear me geek out on SQPN’s “Secrets of Avengers: Infinity War”
- I saw–and LOVED–“Leave No Trace” this week. Here’s my quick review. If you have a chance to see this film, don’t miss it!
This week's #WATWLisa includes awesomeness from @JonMSweeney @HitbyHeaven @MaryLenaburg @VaticanNews @CatholicWriters @totakeupandread @FamilyTheater1 @CMAstfalk and more! Share your tips with #WATWLisa for next week! Share on X
Other People’s Stuff:
- Pope Francis has named a new Prefect for the Dicastery for Communication: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2018-07/pope-francis-nomination-prefect-dicastery-communication-ruffini.html
- Registration is open for this year’s Catholic Writers Guild Live Conference July 21-August 3. I’ll be there! Find information at https://catholicwritersguild.org/live-conference
- Mary and Jerry Lenaburg are offering what promises to be an awesome (and probably hilarious) marriage webinar. Details here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/stronger-together-/register
- “True Friend” is a new summer Bible Study from Take Up & Read. Get a sneak peek of the beautiful cover at https://www.instagram.com/p/BkyBuRAAv2k/?taken-by=takeupandread
- The Fourth of July may be over, but sweet patriotism is never out of season. Family Theater shared this gift this week – two Boston police officers share a tender rendition of God Bless America: http://blog.familytheater.org/god-bless-america-boston-police-partners-make-sweet-car-karaoke-music/
- In the “awesome life hacks” category, Twitter’s @HitByHeaven wins for this suggestion: “Making grilled cheese for my kids was frustrating 2me bc the hard butter *would not* spread on the bread wo a mess! Tried placing a pat on each side & flipping it. I can feed my bunch lunch so speedily (&stress-free) now!” Bonus beach balls for the yummy looking photo with the tweet. Follow her for daily life encouragement!
Book Shelf:
- Carolyn Astfalk’s coming of age novel Rightfully Ours is now available on audiobook! Find it on Audible here.
- Hey Teachers! Something awesome for you! Carmela Martino is offering free ebooks and virtual visits to teachers of her award-winning novels till Sept. 3. Check it out at http://www.carmelamartino.com/blog/posts/7281 Carmela’s book Playing by Heart has been named a finalist for the Catholic Arts and Letters Award (CALA) in the Children’s/YA Fiction category! Find all of the CALA finalists listed at https://catholicwritersguild.org/
- Looking for summer reading? Author Kaye Park Hinckley has published three new novels since January. “The Wind That Shakes the Corn: Memoirs of a Scots-Irish Woman”(2018 Independent Press Award Winner for Religion Fiction); Bridge-Burning: The Sins of a Southern Man”(Sequel to SOA winner, A Hunger in the Heart;) and “She Who Sees Beyond” (Finalist in William Faulkner Competition in New Orleans). Find Kaye’s books at Amazon.
To recommend something that’s awesome, leave a comment below or use hashtag #watwlisa to @lisahendey on Instagram or Twitter.