Looking at the news today, we’re beginning to hear about states around the country who are “reopening” and allowing people to venture forth from their homes. This hasn’t happened in Los Angeles yet. Our current “safer at home” order has been extended through May 15. I have the sense that even if we are permitted to leave our homes after that date, life will be very different for several months.
An update on this week's work and upcoming fun from @LisaHendey and trying to #stayhome Share on XSince my husband is not only an Emergency Room physician but also an administrator, I’m especially grateful for the initiatives that have been taken to lessen the burden on our hospitals. I don’t intend this as a political statement (I don’t “do” politics in my writing). I’m not an expert in the arena of public health, just a wife and family member doing her best to live amidst our current guidelines. I struggle daily with my personal tendency toward wanderlust. I’m a frequent traveler for a reason… I simply love visiting new places and meeting new friends. That being said, I’m prepared to stay home for as long as it takes. This time has given me a renewed appreciation for the blessings of home and family.
I’ve also been busily making a list of all of the places–both local and distant–I’d like to explore when it’s safe to go out. At the top of my list is the beach, closely followed by several of our local hiking trails. As soon as I can get on a plane and be permitted to go inside their Assisted Living facility, I’ll race to Chicago to see my parents. Beyond that, I recently printed a map of the US and discovered that I only have eighteen states where I haven’t spoken, so I’m daydreaming about some road trips to serve in parishes and schools in those places. My “wander wish list” grows daily, but I’m taking suggestions so be sure to leave me a comment with your recommendations!
It’s been another busy week, so here are some personal highlights since my last update:
Storyteller Read Aloud – I had such an amazing time participating in a live read aloud of my children’s book I Am God’s Storyteller last week! In case you missed it, you can watch the replay of the reading here.
Days of Mercy Webinar – Tomorrow night, it’s my turn to lead our CatholicMom.com conversation on “Mercy” at a FREE webinar. My remarks will be concise and hopefully easily applied to your day to day lifestyle. Register for this FREE webinar here, even if you can’t join us live. You’ll receive the replay video to watch at your convenience. Learn about the Days of Mercy webinar series here.
“The Chosen” at OSV – I’m happy to share my next film feature, a look at the phenomenon that is “The Chosen” over at Our Sunday Visitor. If you’re watching this show, I’d love to hear what you think of it! Read my article here.
Lisa Hendey & Friends Podcast – My podcast this week offers insights from Sophia Institute Press author Allan Smith on Ven. Fulton Sheen’s prayer wisdom. Listen to the latest episode here. If you’re a regular listener to the podcast, please consider leaving me a review on Apple Podcasts to help spread the word about the show.
Speaking of Reviews… One of the best ways that you can support an author you enjoy reading is to leave a review on one of their books. Whether your review is positive or constructively critical, you help shape that author’s future projects. I’d be honored if you would consider leaving me a review this week by going to Amazon and choosing one of my books there to review. It only take a few moments and it’s a huge help. Click here for a full list of my books.
Ave Maria Press Spring Mega Sale Ending Soon! – The Handbook for Catholic Moms and The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion both normally $17.95 on sale for $12. Find many wonderful titles on the Ave Maria Press website here. This sale ends 4/30, so don’t miss out on your chance to pick up many wonderful books for great prices.
Catholic Momcast – One of my personal joys is regularly recording the “Catholic Momcast” podcast with my friend Danielle Bean. On this week’s episode, we chat about “celebrating” the season of Easter amidst all the pain and anxiety of the pandemic. Listen here.
As a bonus feature (Proud Mom Alert!), here is a wonderful video our son Adam Hendey created for a weekend music camp. Even if you’re new to Celtic music, I recommend watching this five minutes of fun even if only to smile at Adam’s creativity!
A question for you: What are your state’s plans for loosening of “Stay at home” restrictions? Where will you go when you’re permitted to be out and around?
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