One of the responsibilities, and frankly also one of the biggest challenges, of having a new book release is sharing the news about the book with others. I don’t know any authors who relish self-promotion. For me, it’s increasingly challenging. That’s not because I doubt the worthiness of my work. Rather, it’s because the world seems increasingly crowded with messages and information trying to come at us from all directions.
The introverted nature that makes me capable of sitting in a silent office for hours on end, staring at a screen and shaping words feels incongruent with the skill set required to go out and talk about myself. This being said, talking about this newest book, I Am God’s Storyteller, is a joyful experience. That’s because this book has been such a gift, an experience I never anticipated having.
This week, I traveled to Boston to the home of CatholicTV to share on their live program This Is The Day about the book. Here’s my segment for those of you who missed seeing the show live on Tuesday.
I truly wish my creative partner for this project, illustrator Eric Carlson, could have been with me for the show. In one of the questions, I tried to relate how much Eric’s particular brand of “storytelling” has shaped this work. Eric came to the book with his own voice and skills. In a sense, the project we created together truly underscores one of the primary messages of this work: that God has created each of us for a unique and special purpose.
In the weeks ahead, we’ll continue to have opportunities to share the book. I hope you’ll take a look at it and consider purchasing a copy for a special child, teacher or family in your life. I’m convinced that the more we share this message of story, mission, and love, the closer we’ll come to overcoming some of the big challenges that face us as a community, the Church, and our world.
Thank you again for sharing these small moments with me. Your friendship and support mean the world to me!