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On this week’s show, we welcome podcaster, author, app developer and all around exceptional woman Jennifer Willits, for a conversation on how she and her husband Greg Willits have prayerfully overcome personal challenges in life and are working on an “exceptional” new chapter of developing great tools to help us live life to its fullest.
Jennifer Willits:
Jennifer Willits is the co-author of “The Catholics Next Door: Adventures in Imperfect Living” and the President of A podcaster since 2005, she hosted the popular “That Catholic Show” video series, co-hosted a talk show on SiriusXM’s The Catholic Channel and has been featured on Boston’s Catholic TV and EWTN. Jennifer was named a leader in Catholic New Media by Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Rosary Army App

From Rosary Army:
The official Rosary Army App helps people stay focused and pray more deeply with professionally recorded audio Rosaries from the founders of This prayer companion will help you meditate on the life of Jesus with greater success. Get instant access to four traditional Rosary recordings, four scriptural Rosary recordings, and the brand new Holy Hour Rosary. App also includes scriptural and historical information about the prayer, all-new original digital artwork for each Mystery and direct access to the Rosary Army store. Each app purchase helps RosaryArmy distribute physical rosaries to those in need. Currently available for iOS mobile devices. Android to be developed next.
“Exceptional You” and “Exceptional Together”
“Exceptional You” is the brand new online and on-demand self-improvement video series created by Greg and Jennifer Willits that is designed to teach you how to identify the different types of self-limiting thinking that keeps you stagnant and paralyzed in life and how to transform those thoughts into powerful catalysts for enormous change and direction; how to overcome self doubt and build extraordinary confidence; how to identify your greatest strengths and weaknesses, and how to use them both to achieve massive results in transforming any limiting mindsets that hold you back.
“Exceptional Together” is our brand new online and on-demand self-improvement video series exclusively for married couples who want to take their good marriages to an exceptional level within their current circumstances. Similar to Exceptional You, Exceptional Together tackles the known sore spots specific to married life with a focus on marital communication and sexual love. Exceptional Together is meant for husbands and wives to complete the course together.
For More Information:
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- Facebook for GregAndJennifer Podcast & Products
- Twitter and Instagram:
- @JenniferWillits
- @GregWillits
This Week’s Show:
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