On this week’s show, it’s storytime with children’s author David Dziena who penned I Will Not Let Go, Daddy with his daughter Anya.
On this week's @LisaHendey and Friends Podcast from @BreadboxMedia, it's storytime with children's author David Dziena who penned the children's book I Will Not Let Go, Daddy with his daughter Anya Share on X
David Dziena:
David Dziena is the Editorial Director for Pflaum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc. He has also served as Executive Editor and Parish Projects Manager with Our Sunday Visitor. Prior to OSV, he was Editorial Manager for nine years at Silver Burdett Ginn Religion, followed by RCL Benziger. He also worked for St. Joseph’s Parish in
Croton Falls, NY for a total of ten years-first as Director of Religious Education and then Coordinator of Youth Ministries. Since 1993, he has led Confirmation workshops and retreats, and catechist formation classes. David is the co-author of the Catholic Prayer Book for the Separated and Divorced (OSV); Our Catholic Family: Activities, Conversations, and Prayer for Sharing Faith at Home (Pflaum); and the general editor for Singing Our Faith, Second Edition: Leader’s and Catechist’s Manual (GIA). David graduated from Iona College in New Rochelle, NY with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy with a minor in Fine Arts and Religious Studies. He also received a Masters in Pastoral Theology from St. Joseph’s College in Standish, ME. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Gloria, and has four children.

I Will Not Let Go, Daddy
I Will Not Let Go, Daddy! is a fun-loving story about the special bond that exists between a daughter and her father. Beautifully illustrated by Michael Tortora, the father-daughter team of David and Anya take readers through a playful, yet tender journey that lasts a lifetime.
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