On this week’s show, we visit with Sandi Pino, who serves as Senior Director of the Parish and Community Services Department at Cross Catholic Outreach. We discuss Cross Catholic Outreach’s “Box of Joy” program. Through the Box of Joy program, you can ensure these children are not deprived of Christmas blessings this year. By packing a Christmas gift box and sponsoring the cost of its shipment, you can deliver a Box of Joy to a child overseas who would otherwise receive nothing. Learn more about Cross Catholic Outreach and Box of Joy at https://crosscatholic.org/.
On this week's @LisaHendey and friends podcast meet @CrossCatholic and discover #BoxOfJoy and how it's blessings families around the world! Share on XBox of Joy
Box of Joy, a ministry of Cross Catholic Outreach, helps tens of thousands of Americans to create a moment of joy over the holiday season in the lives of more than 70,000 children living in extreme poverty in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. Families are encouraged to fill shoeboxes with small gifts like toys, and school supplies, and adding essentials like bar soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, as well as a few treats like hard candy and coloring books for children in these nations.
There is still time for families to participate in the Box of Joy program.
WHEN and WHERE – Families and individuals can pack their Box of Joy and ship it before Christmas to the National Screening Center:
Cross Catholic Outreach – Box of Joy
c/o RMT Logistics
10239 NW 62nd Street
Doral, FL 33178
Or they can Create-A-Box Online at the Box of Joy website, where they just pay the cost of the items for a Box of Joy, which is packed and sent on their behalf.
Anyone can learn more at CrossCatholic.org/BoxOfJoy or sign up to share the cause by texting “spreadjoy” to 71777.
WHY – Box of Joy is a wonderful way to bless a child who may otherwise receive nothing for Christmas.
ABOUT Box of Joy – Cross Catholic Outreach piloted the Box of Joy ministry in 2014 with just two participating dioceses. Every year, the number of churches and groups has grown significantly and this year is expected to continue growing as churches and families see Box of Joy as a tangible way to show love and compassion to children in dire need. Last year, through the efforts of 476 participating Catholic parishes, schools and groups across 48 states utilizing 126 drop-off centers, Cross Catholic Outreach collected and delivered gift-filled Boxes of Joy to 46,360 children in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Guatemala. El Salvador will be added this year.
“Some kids live in homes without electricity or running water,” says Most Rev. Thomas J. Rodi, Archbishop of Mobile. “Some kids live in homes with dirt floors. Some kids live in the most impoverished areas and never receive a Christmas present. Fortunately, we have an opportunity to make Christmas brighter for these kids through the Box of Joy ministry. Together, this Christmas let’s tell kids in the most impoverished of situations that they are loved by sending them a Box of Joy.”
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