A very long, long time ago, back in the days when people used to board airplanes and fly cross country to destinations and go to conventions with thousands of strangers, I went to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. While there, I ate pretzels, visited with colleagues, laughed, and learned. I also had the opportunity to film a television segment with Doug Keck, the host of EWTN’s Bookmark program. We talked about my children’s book I Am God’s Storyteller, which had just recently launched.
This week, that show is airing. I had completely forgotten about the interview until I received a very sweet email from Lee, Doug’s producer, letting me know that the segment would air this week. Doug is a great host – the kind of interviewer who closely reads every word of your book before conversing with you. We interviewed remotely, meaning he was in Alabama and I was in Pennsylvania, staring into a camera and pretending it was Doug while he talked with me in my earpiece.
I’m sharing the video here because I really love how the conversation unfolded. It also caused me to look back at this time in my life last year. In some ways, so much has changed (and my hair is much more grey!) In other ways, I realized that the challenges I faced last year that seemed so difficult did not kill me. One of the biggest challenges, my dear mother’s health, remains a daily trial and a lesson in trusting God’s will.
In this interview with Doug, he asked me toward the end about future plans and I shared a mention of my next book I’m a Saint in the Making. This week, we are looking at the final proofs for that work. God willing, it will launch in October. Who knows what life will look like then.
These days of “social distancing” have reminded me time and time again that story matters. Even the worst stories, the ones that cause grief to rip at our souls, need to be captured, documented, and recounted. Now, more than ever, we also need the inspirational tales, the ones that make us laugh out loud, or simply the tiny details of life that seem so mundane that we don’t notice them until they are gone.
I hope you can find a few moments to watch my conversation with Doug. But even more so, I hope you hear a good story today, and that you tell one too.
YOU are God’s storyteller.
Your story matters.
Video courtesy of EWTN Global Network
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