The Chime Travelers Series by Lisa Hendey
Prepare Yourself for an Adventure!
Chime Travelers is a perfect blend of adventure and introduction to the saints for families and early readers
Introducing an exciting series for young readers from bestselling author Lisa M. Hendey, recognized as one of the Best Children’s Books by the Catholic Press Association! The Chime Travelers series features fun-filled, time-travel adventures with a Catholic message that takes kids to long-ago times and faraway lands.
Each book features prayers and a short bio to introduce children to a major saint’s life and legend. Discussion questions about saints, sacraments, and Catholic life help children understand what they’ve learned through the stories.

About the Author
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and editor of CatholicMom.com and the bestselling author of The Grace of Yes, The Handbook for Catholic Moms and A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms. Serving as Editor-at-Large with Ave Maria Press, Lisa’s partnership with Ave has resulted in the CatholicMom.com book imprint, aimed at supporting and uplifting women in their vocations. Lisa recently co-edited The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion along with 80 co-authors. Her newest project, the “Chime Travelers” fiction series for elementary school readers, is based upon the lives of the saints and includes five books being read in Catholic elementary schools and homes nationwide.
Lisa has produced and hosted multiple programs and has appeared on EWTN, CNN, KNXT and CatholicTV. Hendey serves as the technology contributor for EWTN’s SonRise Morning Show and a monthly correspondent on Relevant Radio. Her articles have appeared in Catholic Digest, National Catholic Register, and Our Sunday Visitor.
Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and Catholic technology and communications topics and has traveled worldwide with and written about the work of Catholic Relief Services and Unbound to support their humanitarian missions.
Hendey resides with her husband Greg in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Learn more about Lisa’s work at www.LisaHendey.com or click here to invite Lisa to visit your parish, school, classroom or group.
- The Chime Travelers series is a series of children’s fiction books with multiple books (5 total).
The books in the series tell the stories of the lives of the saints in a way that is compelling and contemporary. - Award-winning author and speaker Lisa Hendey will pay a complimentary visit to your school or group either in real life or virtually via videoconferencing. She will share a thirty minute interactive presentation with your young readers to discuss the saints, the joy of reading and storytelling, and the role of every child as a “saint-in-the-making”.
- The Secret of the Shamrock was awarded Second Place for Best Children’s Book by the Catholic Press Association. Thousands of teachers, parents, and children around the world have lauded the series as a delightful blend of educational adventure.
- What inspired the Chime Travelers fiction series for children? How has the series developed from the first to the fifth book?
- What type of research and consideration goes into writing these books based on the lives of the saints? How does your own love and respect for the saints play into the books?
- Why is storytelling, and particularly a creative retelling of the lives of saints, an effective tool in the New Evangelization?
- Part of your work with Chime Travelers involves going out to visit schools and parishes in person and digitally to share your love of writing and the saints with young readers. How are children and their families and teachers responding to the books?
- How can families share the themes explored in Chime Travelers to deal with some of the trials and challenges faced by children in today’s world?
- What are your hopes for the future of the Chime Travelers series?
Book Summaries
When Patrick has to work on his church’s cleaning team on a Saturday, he thinks his weekend fun is ruined. But when the old church bells start chiming, Patrick and his pet frog, Francis, are suddenly taken back through time to ancient Ireland. Will the strange shepherd he meets be able to help him get home, or will Patrick be stuck taking care of sheep in the rain and mud forever?
Katie joins her friends in being mean to the new girl, Lily. But suddenly, Katie becomes the new girl—in 1675! She has no idea how she traveled in time to a Native American village, but she’s hoping the young woman she meets will be nicer to her than Katie was to Lily. Tekakwitha is a quiet girl with scars on her face from a terrible disease. Tekakwitha’s family doesn’t accept her because of her faith, and soon she and Katie have to run away in the middle of the night. Will Katie ever find her way back home?
During a class field trip to visit the monastery of the Poor Clares, Katie is unexpectedly swept up into her second Chime Travelers adventure. She finds herself in Assisi and Katie meets a young woman named Clare. Clare has everything—she’s beautiful, her family is wealthy, and she is to be married soon. Katie discovers that Clare also has a secret: she wants to leave everything behind and join Francis and his brothers in service to God. But Clare’s family doesn’t want her to go. On the night she leaves, Clare and Katie must run through the darkness and escape through a door only used for funerals, the Door of the Dead. Has Clare made a mistake? Is God really calling her to leave everything she knows behind? And should Katie go with her on this dangerous adventure?
Patrick and his twin sister Katie are shocked when they learn that someone threw a brick through the St. Francis of Assisi stained glass window at St. Anne’s. What would make someone angry enough to damage the beautiful old window? And how will the church ever be able to repair it? The twins want to investigate, but before Patrick can learn anything, he’s swept into another adventure—in the year 1205! Patrick’s journey takes him back to Assisi, where he meets a brave young man who wants to leave his family’s wealth behind so he can answer God’s call in his life. Young Francis invites Patrick to help him repair an old church, but Francis’s father is furious with his son’s decision and will do almost anything to stop him. Can Francis and Patrick follow God’s command to rebuild the church? And will Patrick’s time in Assisi help him solve the mystery of the broken window at St. Anne’s?
Patrick and Katie Brady are introduced to an immigrant family who recently arrived at St. Anne’s Parish. A tinkling bell transports the twins to first-century Bethlehem, where they meet the Holy Family—and come to understand what it is like to be a “stranger at the manger.” This unique retelling of the Christmas story will help children grow in faith and compassion.
Endorsements and Praise for Chime Travelers
“Imagine if you could travel back in time and meet the saints in person. Through the eyes of the Chime Travelers, Lisa Hendey helps us do just that! She brings them to life in a way that is fun and informative, while encouraging us to live their examples.” —Fr. Cory Sticha, Pastor, St. Mary’s Parish, Malta, Montana
“I read aloud the first book of Lisa Hendey’s delightful new series to my 3rd grade students. They loved the story. They said the book was ‘Saint-tastic,’ and they gave it five snaps and Jazz Hands!” —Barb Gilman, third grade teacher, St. Mary Margaret School, Omaha, Nebraska
“Lisa Hendey has always had the ability to inspire and lead other Catholic moms. Now, with the warmth and care of an experienced mother, she demonstrates her ability to offer inspiration to their children, too.” —Jared Dees, author of 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator
“The Chime Travelers series is sure to delight even as it introduces you to your favorite saints as approachable people. The adventures these books share will make you think, teach you both history and faith, and inspire smiles and chuckles. You won’t want to put them down, and you’ll definitely want to share them with everyone you know!” —Sarah Reinhard, author and blogger, SnoringScholar.com
“From baptism to confession, catechesis to church history, the smells of incense to the chime of the church bells, Lisa Hendey uses the beautiful, everyday elements of the Catholic faith to bring the Chime Travelers stories to life. With engaging dialog and scenes set to transport you back in time with Patrick and Katie, the fullness of Catholicism is taught in a way children can comprehend and are sure never to forget.” —Allison Gingras, blogger and radio host
“Here is a whimsical series that will capture young readers’ imaginations while feeding their souls. Hendey has created a fantastical adventure series with a conscience that reminds readers of all ages that with God all things are possible.” —Kate Wicker, author of Weightless: Making Peace With Your Body
“Beautifully written, capturing the readers’ attention and imagination, this is a wonderful weaving of the lives of saints with those of the characters. The Chime Travelers books capture many questions children this age ask about their faith and how can they truly serve God.” —Carmie Gennock, Catholic school teacher
“What an amazing and blessed opportunity my second grade class experienced today! We spoke with the author of the “Chime Traveler” series, Lisa Hendey, who shared her love of writing and reading to the students. She was fabulous answering our questions and discussing her writing experiences with everyone!” —Mrs. Lisa Scaltrito, Second Grade Teacher, St. Anastasia Catholic School, Los Angeles, CA
“The first grade class of St. Jude School in Elyria, OH was blessed to have had the opportunity to meet with Lisa! She was gracious enough to meet with us on short notice through Skype. Lisa encouraged the children to be storytellers and saints. What a fabulous goal to work towards!! The children were excited to learn about how Lisa developed the concept and characters in her series. I would recommend this series for all families and classrooms!” —Mrs. Steffany Congelio, First Grade Teacher, St. Jude School, Elyria, OH
For interviews and to request copies for review email lisahendey@gmail.com