Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and of CatholicMom.com and the bestselling author of several books including The Grace of Yes, The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, The Handbook for Catholic Moms, I Am Earth’s Keeper, I Am God’s Storyteller, I’m a Saint in the Making, and A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms. Lisa’s children’s project, the “Chime Travelers” fiction series for elementary school readers, is read in schools, children’s groups and churches worldwide.
Lisa is the host of “Lisa Hendey & Friends” and the co-host of “Catholic MomCast”, a production of Holy Cross Family Ministries andCatholicMom.com. She has produced and hosted multiple programs, including KNXT’s “Catholic Mom TV” and “Making the Grade”, a program aimed at promoting quality Catholic education. Lisa has additionally appeared on EWTN, CNN, CatholicTV, and as a part of the Momnipotent DVD series. Hendey served as a technology contributor for EWTN’s SonRise Morning Show, a regular correspondent on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air Show and on Holy Spirit Radio’s Spirit in the Morning show. Lisa has blogged at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Patheos, New Evangelizers, Integrated Catholic Life, CatholicTourist.com, and Productivity At Home. Her articles have appeared in Catholic Digest, America Magazine, National Catholic Register, and Our Sunday Visitor.
Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and Catholic new media topics. She was selected as an Elizabeth Egan Journalism Fellow and traveled with Catholic Relief Services in Rwanda to study and write on the aftereffects of the Rwandan genocide on the eve of its twentieth anniversary. Lisa was selected to attend the first-ever Vatican Bloggers Meeting, the “Bishops and Bloggers” meeting, and the Catholic Press Association tour of Israel as a guest of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. Lisa has traveled and shared her writing from Tanzania, Colombia, the Philippines, Kenya, the Dominican Republic, Israel and India in service of non-profit organizations. Her speaking schedule has included the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Catholic Marketing Network, the University of Dallas Ministry Conference, the Midwest Family Conference, and the National Council of Catholic Women.
Lisa M. Hendey is available to speak to your group on faith, family, media, personal productivity, and healthy living topics.
Hendey lives and worships with her family in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California.
About CatholicMom.com
Launched in late 1999, CatholicMom.com welcomes visitors every month from around the world. In 2016, CatholicMom.com was acquired by Holy Cross Family Ministries. The site features columns by over one hundred and fifty contributing columnists who volunteer their expertise on everything from Catholic Breastfeeding and Natural Family Planning to parenting humor. Visitors from over 100 countries around the globe have come to rely upon these uplifting resources.
Connect with Lisa
Contact Information:
Lisa M. Hendey
10573 West Pico Blvd. #31
Los Angeles, CA 90064-2348
View Samples of Lisa’s Work at:
* Find all of Lisa’s recent speaking engagements and media appearances listed here
Lisa M. Hendey is available to speak to your group on Catholic faith, family, new media, personal productivity, and healthy living topics.
For a complete speaker’s package, including a letter from Bishop’s approval letter and audio samples, contact Lisa at lisahendey@gmail.com